The Great Outdoors

Here are a few great benefits for outdoor play for our children:

  • Spending time outdoors allows your child to develop their physical skills, through running and climbing activities. It is really important that as soon as your child can walk, they no longer rely on a buggy to get them to and from different places. To allow them to build their core strength and stamina children need to walk as much as possible, even from their earliest days.

  • Being outdoors helps to reduce anxiety and worries that your child may have.

  • It ensures your child continues to pick up Vitamin D from the sunshine, which is key to developing a healthy body and mind.

  • Provides opportunities to learn about the natural world.

  • Supports your child in developing an awareness of risk. For example; how high can I climb on the climbing frame safely? The more children are allowed to have these experiences then the more they develop their skills in understanding what is a safe risk and what is an unsafe risk.

Phonics Workshops

Parents and carers are invited to join the children in a phonics session, to gain more awareness of how we develop early reading skills across our Early Years phase.

Seedlings Nursery: Tuesday 24th January at 2.30pm in the nursery classroom.

Apollo Class: Thursday 26th January, 9.00am-9.45am, in Apollo Class.

Please enter via the classroom gate after drop off.

Discovery Class: Thursday 26th January, 9.00am-9.45am, in Discovery Class.

Please enter via the classroom gate after drop off.

As this will be an opportunity for you to learn alongside your child, we are asking that on this occasion that no younger siblings attend.