Langley Park Legends

This week we bring you news of the achievements of Langley Legend Alfie, from Braeburn Class. Over the half term break, Alfie was selected to take part in a junior sparring competition. He made it through every stage in his height group, despite this being his very first competition! Alfie gave 100% and his commitment earned him 2nd place overall!

Well done, Alfie! This is an incredible achievement for your first competition. You family, and all the staff here at Langley Park Primary Academy, are very proud of you.

Our second Langley Legend this week is Freddie, from Ambrosia Class. On Saturday 5th November, Freddie took part in two football matches. His team won both matches, 3-2 and 5-0, and Freddie was awarded 'Man of the Match' for scoring two of the goals that helped his team secure victory, one of which was from taking a corner kick!

Well done Freddie, we are thrilled to hear of your football achievements and are all very proud of you!

We have also received news of Langley Legend Tommy V, from Zari Class. During the half term break, Tommy and his family volunteered at a local school in Thailand. The school is for Burmese children and is located within a tsunami tower, having previously been situated on an open field.

Tommy and his family brought presents for the children, spent time playing games and making paper planes, and taught the children some very basic English words and phrases. The children were grateful for everything; on the day that Tommy and his family volunteered there were 55 children at the school, who shared one cup of water to drink between them all.

Due to Data Protection and GDPR, I am unable to publish any of the photos that Tommy's family have shared, but it is clear that was an amazing cultural experience for everyone involved. Well done to Tommy, and his family, for their volunteering efforts. To make a difference to the lives of young people, if only for a day, is an incredible and immeasurable act of kindness.