Social Studies

Social studies, what is it?

It is all about developing a general understanding of the world. The children learn about other people, their cultures, values, systems and history. The main point is to introduce our students to different environments that they wouldn’t otherwise meet at such a young age. Social studies in primary school also aims to shape students to become good citizens.

We will be using Geography, History and R.E skills to explore social studies at Langley Park Primary Academy.

Why do we teach social studies?

While learning about others, children gain respect for them but also have a better understanding of themselves. Their self-image gets influenced by finding their place in the world and realising their personal footprint on it. By discovering and appreciating others in a wider context, they also learn to be more curious, open-minded and accepting. The more you broaden the bubble around pupils the more responsible they get regarding their environment. Their awareness and consciousness will grow topic by topic, as they are constantly shown new things.