
9th September 2022

Principal's Message:

In light of the recent news regarding the passing of the Queen yesterday afternoon, on behalf of the academy I would like to pay tribute. The Queen was a constant feature in almost all of our lives and so the news has been quite jarring for many within our community. At the age of 96, and after 70 years of reign, Queen Elizabeth was a world icon who led the nation with dignity, humanity and grace. Throughout her reign there have been many historical moments that are unlikely to happen again during the lifetime of many of us; the most recent being the Platinum Jubilee. Events like the Platinum Jubilee bring communities together and it is wonderful that one of the last collective memories we have of Queen Elizabeth is one of joy and celebration. As sad as the news is, we can support our children through celebrating the Queen's life but also by recognising and validating the range of emotions they may feel in response to this. Winston's Wish, a charity that supports children through bereavement, suggests the following points whilst talking about Queen Elizabeth's death;

  1. Use accurate and age-appropriate language

  2. Reassure your child

  3. Be open and honest

  4. Be proactive and tell children what has happened

  5. Listen to children and encourage questions

  6. Name your own emotions whilst reassuring children that theirs are normal

  7. Understand that children may feel no emotion about the Queen’s death

If you know a child who has been bereaved or is impacted by The Queen’s death, the following organisations may be of help or support to you:

The Good Grief Trust -

Winston's Wish - Free national helpline on 08088 020 021 or

Grief Encounter - Free helpline: 0808 802 0111 or

Bereavement Trust - Free helpline: 0800 435 455 or

Office Messages and Reminders:

Shout Out for Cardboard Tubes: Reception pupils are going to be making fire-breathing dragons next week and are in need of cardboard tubes/toilet rolls for the project. Should you be able to keep any aside over the weekend then these would be gratefully received. Please bring them in on Monday and hand to Reception teachers or academy office staff.

Prompt Collection from School: Due to the number of extra-curricular clubs that are running after school each day, please can all parents and carers observe the prompt collection of children at the end of the day. If members of our staff experience delays whilst dismissing children after school, this has a knock on effect to any clubs they are running and reduces any time that is needed for preparation and/or the running of these. As a reminder, EYFS and KS1 pupils should be collected at 3.10pm and KS2 pupils at 3.15pm.

Prompt Collection from Clubs: On a similar note, please can all parents and carers observe the prompt collection of children from any extra-curricular clubs. If you have multiple children at the school attending different clubs that finish at different times, please collect each child at the required time and don't just arrive at the latest time to collect all siblings at once. A number of our staff do have to leave on time once they have completed their contracted hours, perhaps to collect their own children from school, and are unable to do this if they are delayed as a result of children not being collected on time.

Music Lessons: If your child would be interested in having guitar lessons during the academy day, we have a tutor that visits each Thursday to teach this instrument. If your child is in Year 2 and above and would be interested in having guitar lessons, please contact Andy Davis on 07973 680227 or

Similarly, we have iRock visit the academy on Tuesdays to provide rock and pop band lessons. These lessons are an amazing confidence-boosting experience for children by making music fun and giving them a platform to express themselves. No experience of playing an instrument is required and iRock is open to pupils in Year 2 and above. Please visit for contact details and more information.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the academy office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff. Class email addresses are no longer monitored on a regular basis and often end up lost in a spam folder to which teaching staff have no access.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Thursday 15th September New Reading Books Parent Meeting, 2.30pm

Friday 16th September Jeans for Genes Day

Thursday 29th September Nursery and Reception Yoga Workshop, 9.00am-12.00pm

Please note that these are confirmed dates, but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

Friends of Langley Park

Our PTA team would like to remind you about the recycled clothing bank that is situated in the carpark close to the MUGA. The PTA can earn funds from items that are donated via the clothes bank, which is emptied on a regular basis throughout the year.

The clothing bank accepts a number of household textile items, however please do observe the clear instructions on the front of the container before placing any items in to ensure that these can indeed be recycled appropriately.

Thank you, as always, for your support of the PTA.