
Two of the most useful tools for supporting your child's core understanding of place value and multiplication is to use NumBots and Times Table Rock Stars. All logins have previously been sent home.

NumBots is a self-paced educational platform combined with an interactive, robot-immersed game. The aim of NumBots is to ensure children develop a core understanding of Maths from an early age, establishing a strong mathematical foundation which they can build upon as they progress through their education.

The Times Table Rock Stars programme has one aim - to boost times table recall speeds. What are the benefits of Times Table Rock Stars you may ask? Incorrect answers are always immediately corrected in front of the pupil so that they start to associate the correct answer to every question.

As an academy, we advise that the children access these resources in short bursts. Doing NumBots/TTRS every evening for 5 to 10 minutes will have a great impact on your child's confidence in school, allowing them to access more of the curriculum overall.

If your child does not have their login, please do not hesitate to ask their class teacher for this. Happy playing!