
In Art this term, children in Seedlings Nursery have been exploring Kandinsky. Kandinsky was an abstract artist who liked to experiment with shapes and colour.

Year 1 pupils went on a walk around their local area this week. The children have enjoyed creating maps to represent their walk and what they saw!

Here is some art for you try at home. Can you use this guide to create a self portrait? I recommend that you look in a mirror to help you! Maybe you could have a go at using Kandinsky-like colours and shapes in your self-portrait? Have a look at the Nursery Art to see what you can do!

In Nursery, we are looking for the children to be showing emotions in their drawings.

In Reception, we look for the children to be using a variety of materials in their work.

In Year 1, we look for the children to be communicating something about themselves in their work.

In Year 2, we look for the children to be able to create a piece of art in response to another artist's work.

In Year 3, we look for the children to be able to show facial expressions in their work.

In Year 4, we look for the children to be able to use marks and lines to produce texture.

In Year 5, we look for the children to be able to create a range of emotions in their work.

In Year 6, we look for the children to be able to create and define their own artistic style.