Google Workspace for Education

What is it?  Google Workspace for Education (formerly called Google Apps) is our productivity suite offering Mail, Calendar, Drive (file storage), Docs (word processor), Sheets (spreadsheets), Slides (presentation), Forms, and other components.  G Suite is a fundamental software platform for District communication and collaboration.

Who can use it?  All District staff have full accounts.  Students in grades 1-5 have limited accounts that can only communicate with other in-district accounts.  Students 6-12 have full accounts.  

Who manages and pays for it?  G Suite for Education is offered free to all K-12 education.  The core apps that comprise G Suite for Education have NO advertising, tracking, or student data collection.

Who do I contact for assistance?  At Gannett, Baldwin, and LMS, your in-building Technology Instructional Facilitator can help.  For student account questions, contact your in-building student account manager.  For staff questions, contact the Tech Office.

Links for staff and students to access: Google Mail - Google Drive - Google Classroom

These files are located in the District Staff Share.

Documents in this share are only available to District staff.  Visitors cannot access these files.

Some vendor-provided resources and videos are below.

Google for Education: Youtube channel with a collection of videos and help resources