Printing from Windows and Chrome OS

Printers are mostly "self service" on your Windows desktop. Since different staff have different printing needs, we offer you the flexibility of choosing your set of printers. You can also set and change your default printer (the one that is offered to you first when you choose to print).

Instructions for Windows 10 users

Building copiers are already installed on your workstation and they should be visible when you print a document.

If you need to connect to additional department printers, look for an icon on your desktop labeled "Tech Help and Links." Open that and find a shortcut labeled "Install a network printer" and follow it. You'll see a list of all network printers in the district, whether or not you have permission to print to that printer. Right-click on the printer and select Connect. The printer will install if you have permissions to print to it. If you do not have permissions, you'll be asked for credentials.

Many office and department printers are secured from unauthorized printing. If you feel you should have access to a printer and it’s not visible to you, please let us know and we will work with the printer's owner to determine access.

Printing for Chromebook users

As of 08-2021, all staff using a Chromebooks or Chrome desktop should see at least one building copier available for printing. Printer connections are published to staff groups (not to device groups), so those printers will follow you from device to device.