CS First Coding

First Coding: Students will be introduced to the programming language Scratch. Students will learn to code in a variety of activities within the Unit.

Google Logo: Students will learn to create a Google logo using coding. Students will be introduced to the programming language Scratch.

Animated Name: Students will learn to create an Animated Name using coding. Students will be introduced to or continue using the programming language Scratch.

Gumball's Coding Adventure: Students will create a story using the Gumball characters and glitches in the story. Students will using coding to create actions, conversations and glitches throughout the story.

Units created by Tricia Watson, Gannett Peak

Included in the checkout kit:

This unit does not have a checkout kit. All you need is a Chromebook cart or a computer room.

Student range for this unit:

Students in grades 1-5.