RTI: Response to Intervention

RtI is a school-wide program created to enable the LaMotte School educators to gather information, make informed decisions and develop educational plans necessary to provide high quality instruction and intervention by addressing the needs of every child. This system of support is not a special education program and will not replace the classroom curriculum. RtI allows for each student to receive the appropriate level of instruction based on student achievement data which supports instructional decision making.


Three times each year students are assessed to determine their "Benchmark" in reading and math. DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Reading Skills) is the assessment utilized for reading and AIMSweb is used for math. Using the information gathered from these assessments, individual academic plans are established for students. Progress is monitored on a regular basis. Staff members meet to determine if the plan for each child is resulting in progress toward the learning goals.

The goal of the LaMotte RtI system of support is to apply personalized strategies to ensure the success of each student.