About LaMotte

13. Portrait of a Learner.pdf

Thank you for visiting our site. LaMotte School is a rural K-8 school located just five miles east of Bozeman, Montana in the mouth of Bear Canyon. We are surrounded by a stream, livestock and wildlife. Our students live among the mountains and foothills in the area. The current enrollment at LaMotte School is 50 students in our multi-aged classrooms. Students are grouped in grades K/1, 2/3, 4/5, 6, and 7/8. The small class sizes offer many benefits for the students, among those being more individualized attention, the ability for the teacher to cover more material, and a shared sense of community. That family feeling transcends among the staff and families we serve. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school. We are happy to show you what we have to offer!

The staff at LaMotte School are highly qualified teachers with a passion for teaching children and for our school. Along with regular classroom teachers, we employ Spanish, music, library, counseling, and physical education teachers. Our instructional aides are all certified teachers. The dedication and professionalism of the staff are outstanding. The students at LaMotte School do very well academically and are continually challenged. We offer a rigorous academic program, based on the state standards and best practices in teaching. Our students continually score above state and county averages in reading and math. We strive for excellence in all that we offer at LaMotte. An After School Program is offered as well as intramural sports of basketball, volleyball, and track.