Mental Health &
Student Wellness Resources
Childhood and adolescence can be a wonderful time and it can be a difficult time. Most children and adolescents have some struggles during this time period just as adults have struggles during their lifetime. It is normal behavior to want both connection with others and the independence to do some things on our own. Finding a healthy balance of these two desires is a common effort throughout life.
Mental health professionals who work with youth see a variety of mental health problems, some are situational and some becoming ongoing struggles and even mental illness. Counselors, social workers, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists work to support the development of their patients, identify problems that might need some type of intervention, and create therapeutic opportunities for their patients to address their struggles.
Lakewood City Schools has staff in our schools including family resource coordinators, school psychologists, student wellness specialists, and school counselors to help guide you to the appropriate resources if your child is struggling. Additionally, the District has collaborative relationships with Bellefaire JCB, the Cleveland Clinic, and OhioGuidestone for services. If you think that your child is struggling, the first step is to reach out to your building principal, school counselor, or a professional who can assess the situation and try to guide you and your student to the resources that they need.
Mental Health Resources
Frontline/Mobile Crisis
National Suicide
Prevention Hotline
Community Resources
for Mental Health
(click here)
The Effects of Nicotine on the Teenage Brain
These videos were created by the Health Careers class from the West Shore Career- Tech District. The students wrote and published articles for The Lakewood Observer (Volume 17, Issue 08). Ready to Start your Quit and Begin Life Again and The Effects of Nicotine on the Teenage Brain.
As part of a grant partnership with Westshore Young Leaders Network, students in the Health Careers class were recorded reading their articles. Please find the attached links below. Although the video quality isn't perfect, the messages are excellent.