Find Your Direction

What direction do you plan to take after you leave Lakewood High School? Whatever it may be, use your time at LHS wisely.

Workplace Bound:

Some students plan to enter the workplace directly after high school. Skills that employers seek in an employee are good communication skills, problem solving capabilities, dependability, and willingness to learn. By taking advantage of the diverse learning options at LHS/West Shore, you can put yourself in the best position for a satisfying and lucrative career.

Certificate/Credential Options:

There are many careers that require credentials or certification to be employed. The training is condensed into months to get you into the workplace quickly. Explore the Career-Tech Programs that offer industry credentials and Community colleges that offer short-term certificate training.

Two-Year College Bound:

An Associate Degree offers specialized technical training in many career areas or provides the first two years of coursework that are transferable to a four-year college. To achieve a two-year technical degree, explore now while in high school. Look into the college credit opportunities at LHS and West Shore to get a head start on your two-year degree.

Apprenticeship Option:

Apprenticeships offer the chance to gain skills that can lead to a high salary in the skilled trade industries. As an apprentice, you are a full-time trainee from DAY ONE, earning a paycheck while you learn.

Four-Year College Bound:

A Bachelor’s Degree is not a career goal. College is a beginning to a diversified future. Exploration of interests is still necessary while you are in high school. The number one reason why students are not successful in college is a lack of discipline and direction. Look into the college credit opportunities at LHS and West Shore to get a head start.

Military Options:

The Military is a great alternative for those students who desire training without the cost of college. Two-, three-, and four-year options are possible, as well as full-time enlistment or part-time Reserve or National Guard. Officer training is available while attending college, with scholarships paying tuition for all four years. (ROTC – Reserve Officer Training Corps)

Whatever the direction you choose, use your electives to explore your interests and abilities. Discover your talents through classes, student activities and career experiences.