Performance Strategies

Do a memory dump

At the beginning of a test, quickly write down key facts, formulas, etc. That way, when you need the information to solve a problem you can find it easily, and you will save time and make fewer errors.

Easy first, then most points

Answer the easiest questions first, then work on the ones that have a lot of points. Show your work, and try to at least get a start on all questions—partial credit can add up a lot of points.

Use time well

Try to answer every question, or at least get a start on it. And NEVER spend all your time on one question!

Check your work

Everybody makes mistakes in their work. But, mistakes can make you end up with a wrong answer. In math, a calculation error can give you the wrong answer even if you use the right method! So go over your work and check for errors before you turn it in.