AP and College Courses

Early College Opportunities for Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

For more information, visit: http://lrhs.lakeregionschools.org/guidance-department-3eb00699

Full Year Options:

Advanced Placement courses are college-preparedness courses offered at the high school level for any student.  All students are eligible to take AP courses, though it is recommended that you make sure you’ve taken the proper preparation courses.  While AP courses are rigorous, teachers and classmates work together to adequately prepare for the AP exam in May.  The CollegeBoard has found in their research that students who take AP courses are not only “more likely than their peers to complete a college degree on time,” but taking rigorous courses also looks great to college admissions counselors!  Taking the exam in May and passing with a 3 or higher may earn you college credit at certain colleges and universities (potentially a savings of thousands of dollars!).  Some of the courses offered at LRHS are for elective credit only, while others may count towards your graduation requirements! Taking the AP Exam is a required expectation, as well as any continued test prep outside of the regularly scheduled course (for credit) and expenses will be covered by LRHS. Taking AP courses is on the rise across the country, so I encourage you to challenge yourself and take an AP course next year! 

Check out: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home  or contact Ms. Barber, the AP Coordinator, for more information!


College Classes - Semester Options (online):

Early College Courses - ExplorEC

ExplorEC is open to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors and homeschooled students at junior and senior level in good academic standing. Tuition is free* but students are responsible for all associated course fees and books, when required. The Maine Aspirations program allows students to take a maximum of 6 credits per semester (no more than 12 credits per academic year) at public colleges or universities. SOPHOMORES NEED PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR BEFORE ENROLLING IN ANY COURSE.

Course offerings vary each semester based on interest and availability. Updated lists can be found at the Student Services Office and will be sent out to students once available. Registration forms will also be sent to students.
