Carrie Paquette

Lakeland High School

Assisting students in Grades 9-12

Located in the Counseling Center

College & Career Advisor

Copy of Paquette - *LHS Virtual Open House

Graduating from high school is not the end of your education. It’s the beginning of the most focused part of your education that will lead you to achieve your dreams and goals.

Contact Information

Phone: (208) 687-0181 Ext. 2109 

Click here to connect to my Facebook Group - Lakeland HS College & Career Advising 

Your career journey may include:

I am here to guide you and support you in your post-secondary education and career journey following high school graduation. Whether you are a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior, there are steps you should be taking to make sure you have clear goals and plans for your future and are following the steps to achieve those goals. I’m here to help you figure all that out!

I can assist you with:

WILL YOU REALLY EARN MORE $$$ IF YOU GO TO COLLEGE? (Trade and vocational programs included)

SOME kind of education after high school is important! Let’s find yours…….

Is college the only path? Picking the education that's best for you.