Lunch, Snack and Birthdays 

Lunch:  Lunch is available to all students at LES. Lunch orders are taken the day before. Please discuss the lunch options with your child for the next day. The menu is posted on the school website. You may also send your child to school with lunch if you choose. Lunch money sent to school should be sent in an envelope or baggie with your child's name and the amount enclosed. 

Snack: Our class will be having a short snack break everyday. Please send in something small each day along with a drink for your child. Please pack snack septerate from their lunch. Healthy snacks are always recommended (fruit, pretzels, cheese sticks, muffins etc.) We are a peanut and nut-free classroom! Parents, please make every effort not to send products containing these ingredients to the classroom. Please also send your child in with a refillable water bottle each day that is separate from their lunch drink. There is a water refilling station they will be able to use to refill their water throughout the day. They will have access to their water bottle in the classroom throughout the day. Please make sure it is a reusable water bottle not the plastic type with twist off caps....These are not permitted at their desks as they tend to spill. 

Birthdays:  If you would like to send in a special treat for your child's birthday, you are more than welcome to!  As per administration, treats MUST be store bought & pre-packaged with the ingredients label listed on the outside of the package.