Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

1. Listen when Mrs. K is talking.

2. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.

3. Follow directions quickly.

4. Be a good friend

5. Be safe, be kind, be respectful and be honest.

6. Try your best!

Behavior Plan 

Clip Chart

Each student has a clothespin, and they all start the day in the middle of the chart on “Ready to Learn.” The clothespins move throughout the day. Positive choices enable them to move up one level at a time. Negative choices will get them moved down. There is a buffer zone between “Ready to Learn” and facing any form of consequence so if a child “clips down” he can clip back up.

The students who are on task are recognized in a positive way. When the room gets a little chatty, I don’t concentrate on the chatty ones. Instead, I find the students who are making good choices and make a show of appreciating their role model behavior. They clip up. They beam. The others are quickly redirected without me needing to mention the chatting at all. 

I focus on good behavior and rarely clip anyone down unless it’s a really poor choice and then as soon as I see them making better choices they clip back up. The reward is being recognized for model behavior. It shows we all make our own choices….And even if we make a poor choice we can correct it.

It keeps things so positive and upbeat.

The kids strive for acknowledgement of good behavior. I love the simplicity. I love the positive feeling to it. I love that even if a student makes a not-so-good choice, they can rally and move back up. The focus is on my students that make positive choices. This turns things around and the others learn from their example.

Secret Student

I will choose a popsicle stick in the morning that has a student’s name on it.  Throughout the day I will announce that I am watching my secret student for role model behavior. At the end of the day, if the child has made smart choices, they will receive a certificate or prize. If the child did not have their best day, a general statement that my secret student could have had a better day, however no names will be mentioned.