Folders, Homework and Report Cards

Homework is given Monday-Thursday evenings. (There will sometimes be projects that will require students to work on them over the weekend.)

Homework is meant to provide extra practice of a specific skill that has been taught in school. It gives parents/guardians an insight into how their child approaches and completes assignments. It teaches early responsibility. It ties home and school together. In addition to homework, I encourage you to read to your child each night. Reading to them helps their vocabulary acquisition and comprehension skills. 

Please always have your child write their name and class number on their homework paper.  Class numbers are used to sort papers quickly for folders. 

**If your child receives an "Uh-OH!" note, that means they did not complete the assigned work in the time provided during class time, and it will need to be completed for homework.

Folders: Take home folders and planners will go home each night and need to be returned each day.  Please be sure to check both the planner and folder. Empty any papers that are on the “home” side of your child’s folder. 

Report Cards

You will be able to view your child’s report card using the parent portal. Please be advised that when you create an account, the page will not reflect any grades. When the portal opens for the entire district, you will be able to view the grades.

Your child is assessed in Reading Readiness, Writing Readiness, and Mathematics using the following scale:

E-Exceeds Expectations

M-Meets Standards

A-Approaches Standards

N-Needs Support

Your child is assessed on behaviors that support learning using the following scale:




Some categories on the report card have been left blank. The kindergarten report card is skill based and not all skills can be assessed during the first marking period. Skills that are left blank will be taught later in the year and will be assessed during that time.