Responsive Classroom


Our Classroom Rules

Listen to directions first time given.

One person speaks at a time.

Raise your hand to speak.

Treat yourself and others with respect.

Speak politely and respectfully.

Logical Consequences:

1. Apology of Action

2. You break it- You fix it

3. Work at Table for One

Disciplinary Consequences:

1. Verbal warning

2. Student Reflection sheet

3. Note in planner, email or phone call home

4. Parent/teacher conference with student

5. Office referral

*Severe Clause: contact administrator

The Meeting has three components:

Greeting: Children greet each other by name in a fun way

Sharing: Each child will have the opportunity to share on their assigned day to bring something in to help us learn about the child (family pictures, trophies, etc,) Schedule will come home in the Wednesday folder. Students will ask questions about their share.

Group Activity: The whole class does a short activity together, game, poem, dance, song, etc.

Four Agreements for Sharing:

  1. Right to Pass (choose to pass if called upon)

  2. Attentive Listening (listening with our eyes, ears, and heart)

  3. Mutual Respect (treat others the way you want to be treated)

  4. Appreciations (NO put downs tolerated)

Philosophy and Principles

The Seven Beliefs of Responsive Classroom:

1. The social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum.

2. How children learn is as important as what children learn.

3. The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction.

4. There is a set of social skills that children need in order to be successful academically and socially.

5. Knowing the children we teach is as important as knowing the content we teach.

6 . Knowing the parents of the children we teach is as important as knowing the children.

7. Teachers and administrators must model the social and academic skills which they wish to teach their students.