Local Counseling Services

Local Christian Counseling services

If you are looking for a local professional counselor, please reach out to the counseling office. Sometimes we can recommend people or places that better suit what you are looking for.

Disclaimer: In providing this contact information, LCCS is not endorsing any particular service nor guarantees its effectiveness.

Akron Children's Hospital Grief Support group

Six-week Good Mourning Support group is designed to help children and their parents understand and deal with feelings of grief resulting from the death of a loved one. Sessions are led by trained Akron Children's and community professionals.

For more information:

There is no charge for the Good Mourning support group, but registration is required. To register, or for more information, call: 330-543-3343.

Para las sesiones en idioma español, contacte a Mónica al 330-543-3447.

Disclaimer: In providing this contact information, LCCS is not endorsing any particular service nor guarantees its effectiveness.