For Students Para Estudiantes

Request a Meeting

Your School Counselor Is Here to Help You...

  • Stay safe.

  • Work through your big feelings such as anger, sadness, or fear.

  • Listen when you have a problem.

  • Learn how to make good choices.

  • Resolve conflicts and teach problem solving skills.

  • Set and achieve your goals.

  • Support you in your academics.

  • Learn about college.

  • Teach coping strategies.

  • Promote kindness.

  • Celebrate your accomplishments!

How to Meet with my School Counselor...

When we are on-campus, you can approach me anytime! I am usually always out at recess and lunch unless I am in a meeting.

You can also email me and I will get back to you promptly

To request a meeting with the counselor, fill out the Google Form by clicking the button below.


When you meet with your school counselor you are entitled to confidentiality. Confidentiality means I will not tell anyone what we talk about unless...

Someone is hurting you or has hurt you.

You hurt or are planning to hurt yourself.

You want to hurt someone.

You give me permission to share.

Social/Emotional Resources

Mindfulness Resources - Reduce anxiety, boost mood, relax