La Habra Community Resources

La Habra Community Mental Health Resources/Proveedores de Salud Comunitaria de La Habra

As a reminder, please access your regular mental health provider for support. If you have private insurance, consider calling your carrier for a referral list that matches your child’s needs.

La Habra Community Resources/Recursos de la comunidad de la ciudad de La Habra:

Online Therapy Alternatives/Opciones de Terapia en Línea

For those who are seeking alternatives, here are some on-line therapy options:

The above list is not a comprehensive list of providers in Orange County and is not a formal referral from LHCSD. Please use discretion in selecting a mental health provide

Para aquellos que buscan alternativas, aquí hay algunas opciones de terapia en línea:

La lista anterior no es una lista completa de proveedores en el Condado de Orange y no es una referencia formal de LHCSD. Por favor, use discreción al seleccionar un proveedor de salud mental

Mental Health/Wellness/Community Resources

Our district has developed an amazing collection of resources for families on our district website. Not only for mental health, but also food, employment, housing, how to help with homework, etc. Please click the link below to get access!