Weekly Update #1

Weekly Update #1 - 8/11/19

Hello XC Family!

Welcome to the 2019 Cross Country (XC) season! I apologize for the length of this email, but it is important that you read ALL of the information below so you are prepared for Monday's first practice as well as the 2019 season.

Physicals and Parent Permission Forms (click to download)

In order to participate in our first practice tomorrow you MUST have your parent permission and physical forms turned in to the activities office BEFORE practice starts at 3:30 (I cannot accept physicals and parent permission forms). For those of you that have not yet turned in your forms , the activities office hours tomorrow are 6:30am-7:30am & 12:00pm-2:30pm (no one will be available other than the times listed). When you turn in your forms, you will receive a pink slip. This pink slip MUST BE GIVEN TO ME AT PRACTICE in order for you to participate (do not forget it at home!!). If you do not have the pink slip, you will be sent home. As a reminder, if you turned in a physical to the activities office last year, you do not need to do so this year. If you are a freshman or did not participate in a sport last year, you need to get a copy of this or last year's physical from your pediatrician and turn it in to the activities office (the middle school does not send physicals to the high school).

Athletic Handbook & Activities Fee (click to download)

Parents and athletes, please download and read the attached Athletic Handbook. After you and your parents read the handbook, you need to sign and return the Athletic Responsibility Form (ARF) at the end of the handbook. Additionally, all athletes need to turn in a $75 check to the activities office in order to participate in Ladue athletics. The form and fee are due no later than Tuesday, 13 August (or your second practice.) Please turn in to the activities office or to us coaches at practice.

Weekly Schedule

Our first official practice of the season will be tomorrow, Monday 8/12 at 3:30. We will meet at the high school field house on the north end of the track. Due to construction at the high school, our new locker room location for the season will be the middle locker room of the field house. Practice for the rest of the week will be after school starting at 2:50pm. Our practices will typically end at 5pm, though some days we will either end earlier or later than that time depending upon the workout.

With the expected high temperatures this week, you need to ensure you are hydrating (drink at least 2-3 full 32oz water bottles during the day) and planning your meals for optimum fuel for our workouts - Weekly Nutrition Guide. Also make sure you have arranged for transportation home from practice each day.

Monday 8/12 3:30pm - 4-2 mile recovery run depending upon your fitness level

Tuesday 8/13 2:50pm - 800 repeats

Wednesday 8/14 2:50pm - 6-3 mile long run

Thursday 8/15 2:50pm - Cella hill workout

Friday 8/16 2:50pm - easy recovery run and team meeting in Coach Strayhorn's room

Saturday 8/17 7am - 2K time trial & team car wash (see below for additional information)

Sunday 8/18 - rest day

Two Kilometer Practice Time Trial

This Saturday morning we will run our 2K practice time trial. This time trial is a practice for our 4K time trial next Saturday, which is very important as it helps us coaches to determine our top 7 runners (varsity) as well as give us an accurate race time that we use to set every runner's pace for workouts. The 2K time trial will help runners know the course as well as mentally prepare them for what it is like to race in an XC meet. As this is only a practice time trial, we ask that parents not attend.

Girls and Boys XC Team Carwash Fundraiser

Following the practice time trial, we will hold our annual carwash fundraiser beginning at 10:00 in the front circle of the middle school. Please make sure you have eaten a good meal following the run. All runners are expected to participate and should plan to be there from 10 until 2. If you have a conflict, then the team would appreciate a donation in lieu of your attendance. We will also be selling baked goods to our customers, so we need parents and athletes to bring items to sell. We really appreciate parents that can help us out selling baked goods, organizing the soap and water buckets as well as helping to supervise the washers to ensure the cars are clean. Please bring your filled water bottle, sunscreen, food or snacks to eat throughout the afternoon, extra towels you have laying around your home that you can donate, car soap that you can donate, and we will also need a few extra hoses as well that will be returned (we have plenty of buckets).

Items all runners need to bring to each practice!

- Watch with stop-watch function

- Running shoes in good condition

- Water bottle

- Running clothes

- A positive attitude

Additional Items all athletes need

- Acknowledgement of Team Expectations by athlete and parent (see below)

- Ferritin Iron Test (see below)

- $300 Uniform Deposit when uniforms handed out (see below)

- Lock (see below)

- Cross county race spikes (optional)

- $75 activities fee

- Signed ARF form

- Team T-Shirt (more info to come later this week)

Team Sign Up

Please sign up for the XC team using the link above.

Team Website

Please visit the team website for important information such as the team schedule on our google calendar, athlete expectations, race results, team pictures, training videos and much more.

Athlete and Parent Expectations

All athletes and parents need to read and acknowledge the team expectations page on the team website. Here you will find everything you need to know about the team and upcoming season. In order to participate in our first meet, both the parent and athlete's acknowledgement must be received.

Parent Meeting

Tuesday 8/20 at 6:30pm in the high school PAC will be our parent meeting. This meeting is for parents and athletes (but mostly for the parents - thus the title). Parents of all fall sports will begin in the high school PAC. The high school athletics and activities administration will begin the meeting with district wide information for all families. Afterwards we will break into team specific presentations where I will give you LOTS of information about the XC season! Please plan on attending!

Team Picture Day

Picture Day is Friday 8/23 at 3pm. More info to come next week.

Impact Testing Makeups

Thank you to all that came in last week for concussion testing. As of now there is no make up date set for those that were unable to attend. When a make up date is announced, I will let you know.

6th Grade Camp

I would like to encourage you to sign up for be a counselor at 6th grade camp! Camp is the week of September 16th. If you are considering being a counselor, please sign up for Session 1 (9/15-9/18). We have a JV meet on 9/19 and a varsity traveling meet 9/19-9/20. I will be attending with my 6th grader Sophia during first session, so we can go on some runs while we are there!

Iron Deficiency (document attached below)

Ferritin iron deficiency is a detriment to an athlete's running health. I have attached a document with extensive information from Dr. Coulter about iron deficiencies in athletes. It is pretty lengthy, but the information is very good. Also, I would like ALL athletes to get their ferritin iron levels checked, so we not only know their current levels, but can also work to improve levels if there is a need. Please read through the information provided so you can educate yourself about ferritin iron and make a doctor's appointment as soon as you can to get your daughter's ferritin iron levels checked. Some doctors will not want to do this test. If you get resistance, please show them the attached article and contact me so that I may help you get your doctor's approval.

Pasta Dinners

We are asking families to host pasta dinners on the evening before each meet. We will have a sign up sheet to host or help at the parent meeting.

Meet Snacks

Families are asked to bring snacks to our meets for the girls to enjoys before and after their races.

We will have a sign up sheet parent meeting.


We will be handing out uniforms prior to picture day next Friday. We will require a deposit to be given to us to ensure that the uniforms are returned. The deposit for the uniform is a $300 check which I will hold until the uniform is returned in good condition.


Bring a personal lock to place on your XC locker to keep your stuff safe during practices. You will be getting your locker this week.

Taking care of your bodies!

I'd like to reiterate to all runners and parents the importance of taking care of your bodies as we begin the season. Here are some important things to consider to help you avoid injury and to ensure your season is the most successful it can be.

-Hydrate - you should be drinking at least 2-3 liters of water a day (yes liter as in those large soda jugs). If you are thirsty, you are not drinking enough water. If your urine is yellow and not clear, you are not drinking enough water!

-(NO SODA!!) During the XC season, runners should refrain from drinking soda as it provides no nutritional value and impedes hydration because you are not drinking water when drinking soda.

-Fuel your body! - You should be eating at least 5-6 times a day. Make sure to incorporate light healthy snacks in between those all important meals (do not skip breakfast or lunch!).

-Stretch and ice your muscles! It is important to continue to stretch your sore spots as well as use ice to decrease inflammation. Pour a bag of ice into your tub filled with water and soak your legs for 7-10 minutes. While it may be painful at first, your muscles will thank you later! You should also use foam rollers to roll out your muscles (look on youtube for foam rolling videos).

-Take care of your feet! You should not be running in old shoes that do not properly support your feet and body. If you are in need of new shoes, please go to a running store (not a big box store), to get shoes that are best for your running style. Big River Running Co. is offering discounted shoe prices right now (see attached flyer). Another way to ensure your feet are getting the care they need, you should stretch them out using a golf ball, tennis ball or field hockey ball. Just roll the ball under your foot and apply pressure. Move the ball around and work to loosen the tight (painful) spots. This will help your running form as well as prevent injury.

-Get LOTS of sleep!!!! Put away your phone, turn off Netflix and go to bed at a reasonable hour!

-Weekly Nutrition Guide

-There is so much more to running XC than putting on shoes and running a few miles. Understanding that your daily routine, nutrition, and hydration are just as important as the work we do at practice will help you become a better runner, but more importantly, an injury free runner!

Show your Ladue Ram Pride With a Yard Sign!!

We'd love for you to brag to your neighbors, friends, family and everyone else just how proud you are to be a part of our XC team! The Ladue Activities Team is providing you the opportunity to purchase a personalized yard sign to show off your team spirit and for your parents to brag about how proud they are of you! Please go to Ladue Yard Signs or contact katherinebyer@me.com for more information. Yard signs cost $25 and need to be ordered by 8/31.

Weekly Communications

I will be sending out weekly communications via email. Please read them as they contain important information for that week as well as upcoming events. I will be sending these on Sunday nights to help you prepare for the week. Again, it is important that you read these (yes that means you too runners). I will also be sending out communications via various social media venues which we will discuss at the parents meeting.

As always, if you have questions or concerns, please email, text or call me! 314-799-4787 (parents, please put me as a contact in your phones!).

Make it a great week!!
