The Neuwirth Times

October 2023 | Volume 2 | Issue 1

Welcome to Volume 2 (that means year two in journalism-speak) of The Neuwirth Times. Mr. Bragg and his new crew of Introduction to Journalism students are back to inform and entertain you with another year of monthly issues - the best content you can find on Main Street (between 46th and 48th streets at least). 

In this issue you will find lots of spooky content to scratch that Halloween itch, but you should definitely check out some late-breaking stories written in response to the Israel-Gaza conflict. 

We look forward to sharing our work with you this year. Our goal in this class is to give students a voice and a platform to create stories we care about and share with you, the students of Neuwirth. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page. Thanks for reading. - Mr. Bragg 

By Darlene Hernandez

By Anderson Vasquez