
AFJROTC Benefits

A Certificate of Completion is presented to a student in good standing who has successfully completed at least three years of the AFJROTC program.  In order to receive the Senior Aerospace Instructor’s endorsement the cadet must have passed each semester enrolled in the AFJROTC program.  A cadet can receive additional entitlements if they have this certificate in their possession when enrolling in a college level ROTC program, or enlisting in any branch of the Armed Forces.


If a cadet elects to enlist in the Armed Forces, the Certificate of Completion will allow the cadet to enlist at the rank of E-2 or E-3 depending on the branch of service selected.  In the Air Force, the rank of E-3 is an Airman 1st Class.  Not only does the higher rank place them ahead of the other personnel enlisting at the same time, it also adds nearly $275 each month to their basic pay.  


A Certificate of Training is presented to a cadet in good standing who completes two years of the AFJROTC program.  In order to receive the Senior Aerospace Instructor’s endorsement the cadet must have passed each semester enrolled in the AFJROTC program.  A cadet can receive additional entitlements if they have this certificate in their possession when enrolling in a college level ROTC program, or enlisting in any branch of the Armed Forces.


If a cadet elects to enlist in the Armed Forces, the Certificate of Training will allow the cadet to enlist at the rank of E-2 in select services.  In the Air Force the rank of E-2 is an Airman.  Not only does the higher rank place them ahead of the other personnel enlisting at the same time, it also adds nearly $185 each month to their basic pay.  


Note: These certificates are not awarded automatically.  Consideration is given to total performance and achievement as a member of the Cadet Corps.  In order to receive the benefits, the Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Training must be endorsed and/or accompanied by a letter from the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor recommending enlistment at a higher grade.