Poems & Short Stories

The Greatest Feeling - Jaxen N.

Fresh cut grass,

The crowd cheering so loud,

Bursts of excitement all around,

This is the game,

Up to bat,

Donʻt know what to expect,

Focus on the ball,

No hesitation,

Feel the grip of the bat,

The spin on the ball,

The balance throughout my body,

This is the feeling,

As the ball approaches,

I can see clearly, perfect,

This is it, swing

*crack* watch it fly


Breyton F.

Distance Learning by Lauren K.

An endless cycle everyday,

starts with buzzing that continues till turned away.

You roll into the world in an ocean colored cloth,

and plop into your familiar leather spot.

The light reaches towards you through the open windows,

but misses your spotlight by just a little.

These little boxes on your digitized screen,

are the only way you see people and form a meaning.

Head, shoulders, cameras on,

mute your mic unless you're called on.

I miss the days where we joined together,

singing a tune or competing against one another.

Standing around the piko with our flags held high,

to honor and support those by our sides.

Now we stare at our mouses and big bright screens,

debating whether we should unmute or send an email promptly.

Procrastinating my Canvas list till the very last moment,

just to read the instructions and follow the rubric.

I miss the random conversations between classes,

while the hall bustled with chatter and the eating of snack stashes.

I barely know anyone outside of my bubble,

but these things don’t have to be the cause of your trouble.

Always look at things in a positive way,

because you don’t know the stories of those you see everyday.

Long breaks between classes and so much freedom,

binge watching Netflix and staying up till dawn.

We are able to connect from miles away,

through technology that is so normal to us today.

Support for anything is just a button click away,

our Kumu do their best to teach and continue us on our way.

I love when we gather together on zoom,

and laugh about random thoughts and moves.

These kumu make me feel safe,

by always putting a smile on my face.

So many new opportunities to make a change,

while we travel together through an uncertain range.

We look out into the world in a different way,

appreciating the little things that God gave us today.

Never forget the difference you can make,

by staying home and keeping others safe.

Reading by Star W.

My passion is reading, itʻs always so calming and fun. It can take you anywhere from space to Atlantis.

My poem in the book in the picture is:

Reading, what an escape

with people and worlds in all shape

From aliens to pirates

In worlds filled with fairies and giants

Books can take you anywhere and everywhere

All while you can be on a chair

Just sit back and join me on the rollercoaster

While iʻll be your broker

The Ocean Swims to the Beach as We Play

By: Jacie K.

Every Saturday,

At least once a week,

There’s nothing like it,

Nothing else that could calmly put you to sleep,

The ocean cradles you,

Protects you as long as you're there,

It keeps you wrapped safe and sound,

The barrels of the waves,

Looping again and again,

Never-ending schools of fish,

That swim so close you could touch one,

They enjoy seeing you,

They have a twinkle in their eyes that tell you to be in the moment,

1 hour goes and another and another,

Time melts away as you play,

Surrounded by family and friends,

The beach is a space to gather,

The beach and the ocean that is my second home.

I was inspired to write this poem when I read the flyer talking about sharing your passion. My passion may not be writing but I have a close connection to the beach. Some of the lines have specific meanings and they connect to specific places like the line, “every Saturday”. Me and my family go to the beach every Saturday, we call it our tradition. I think that as you just close your eyes and listen to the waves crashing on the shoreline at Waimanalo beach they just put you to sleep. The lines that say, “Never-ending schools of fish, That swim so close you could touch one”. That line talks about a cove up on the north shore called Pupukea or sharks cove. I love to go to this cove because it’s a fish sanctuary, I think that the fish know that you can’t harm them because they will swim so close to you that you could just touch them. They also swim in mostly large schools and they are just so in tune with one another. The lines all have a meaning to me and that was my poem on the beach and ocean.

I'm scared of death, I'm scared of living

Iʻm scared of all the things I shouldnʻt

Iʻm scared to fall and being vulnerable

Iʻm scared if I die I would have done nothing all

The future is so unpredictable

Sometimes I wish it was set in stone

Read the plan that God has for me

Without making it up as I go

But I want the excitement

The thought of unknowing

Each human as an individual

As dreams continue stirring

I could wish and wonder what life holds

I guess Iʻll just have to wait for it to unfold

By Delina-Marie P.

Kitana L.

My passion in VolleyBall. The poster that I have made has the different positions that I have studied, and a quote, along with some illustrations for the poster. The link that I put in shows the work that I have created. This is my entry for my KMS LC Contest, of my passion.

Things I Love

I love when my friends take the time to come and visit me.

I love when I spend time with my family.

I love playing with my siblings and cousins.

I love when my parents take me out to fun places.

I love going around the island of ʻOahu and seeing different things every time.

I love to lay on my bed, watch Netflix, and eat.

I love shopping for food.

I love when I get to eat dessert before dinner.

I love to go to school and see new faces.

I love going to Kamehameha and learning new things about my culture.

I love when the Kumu makes fun activities for us.

I love that Pauahi took the time to make this great school.

by Reign H.

Cooking and Baking

Cooking and Baking,

from taking the cake out of the oven to frosting.

The satisfying sizzle that those familiar stir frys make,

Or the fragrance from the fresh cheesecake!

Every time you open up the oven, there's a burst of warm air.

Or how the pie crust will crack, like fragile glassware.

I would take requests for sweet treats to make,

Or a special dinner, where my sisters could partake.

How my brother asked for flan, a complicated caramel & custard dessert,

How I didn't want to mess it up, I was on high alert.

I follow my passion,

These joyous occasions.

by Mikioi J.


In these challenging times, we have lost many. Weʻve lost the touch of people greeting us with a hug, weʻve lost the sound of laughter constantly filling the air, normal ways of communication, and we may have even lost the ones we deeply love but one thing we didnʻt lose is the heartfelt love of the people around us, whether it be friends or family. For me itʻs family. My family has constantly been at my side filling my heart with immense joy and helping me to fight through these rough times. Itʻs only through their kind and touching words of gentleness that make me want to become a better person daily. The everlasting love of family goes a long way because their love is a channel of energy that gets stronger each time it passes from one family member to another, and family isn’t just blood relatives but the people who you go to in these times of agony, pain, and hardship, that you cry on in these times of challenges and affliction, who help you to overcome and conquer the everyday obstacles in your life that are holding you back from success and your full potential. So as we pass on day by day may we remember our family of whom inspire us to do better, to be better, and to serve others as they have served us.

By Kupa'a K.

I Like to Read

I am the High Queen of Elfhame,

I am a traumatized 17 year old boy who uses a cane,

I am a head strong daughter of a pirate king,

I am a Ketterdams best sharpshooter,

I am a human girl turned High Lady of the Night Court,

I am boy who has 24 hours left to live,

I am the sunbringer,

I am a black woman in a cruel world,

I am a the boy who lived,

I am the one who turned pretty,

I am a girl who’s touch kills,

I am an ember in the ash,

I am a girl with ugly scars,

I am an a warlock who loves two shadowhunters,

I am the world best demon slayer,

I am a human who creates monsters,

I am a dreamer.

All because one day,

I opened a book.

By Mikaila C.

Passion for my ʻOhana

by Kēhau F.

Wherever she goes,

Joy follows.

Whatever she says,

Kindness speaketh.

Whatever she does,

She does with love.

That would be my Mother.

Whatever he says,

Wisdom proclaims.

Whatever he does,

he does for his ʻOhana.

Wherever he goes,

content shows itself.

That would be my Father.

Wherever she goes,

she goes with ease.

Whatever she says,

she says with a purpose.

Whatever she does,

she does with a passion.

That would be my oldest sister.

Whatever they do,

they do with good intentions.

Wherever they go,

good vibes follow.

Whatever they say,

they donʻt mean it literally.

That would be my middle sisters.

Whatever I do,

I do in the sight of the Lord my God.

Whatever I say,

I mean with compassion.

Whatever I do,

I mean no harm.

That would be the traits my ʻOhana gave me.