Our Team

Sommer "Kehau" Kimokeo

Indigenous Knowledge Specialist


Kehau Kimokeo is a Kanaka Maoli from Maui, a mother of three, part of the Paeloko Learning Center ʻohana, and a recent graduate of the Sustainable Science Management BAS with the Marine Concentration. Kehau joins this team with over 26 years of conservation and ʻāina-based experience from mauka to makai, non-profit work, community education and outreach, a love of natural resources, and Kānaka ʻŌiwi culture and traditions of Hawaiʻi. Kehau brings a Kanaka Maoli lens in all she faces and will always strive to further contribute to Maui Nuiʻs Lāhui.

Tim Botkin

Sustainability Science Management (SSM)


Tim holds a J.D. from the University of Oklahoma and Masters in Sustainability Management from each James Madison University and the University of Malta. At UHMC he has been Coordinator of the Sustainable Science Management BAS program, sponsor of the Student Ohana for Sustainability, spearheaded the campus Sustainability Committee and chaired the school Policy & Procedure and Budget committees. He developed and teaches the core sustainability courses at SSM. His background includes work in environmental law, mediation, public office holder and sustainability consultancy. His ongoing applied research project seeks to build decision-making processes which consider all connected interests, costs and benefits while instilling sustainable thinking and practices across organizations and communities. This led to his original development of what is now Hulihia, and he is standing in a interim Director during a current transition period. Working on Maui through UHMC provides bountiful opportunity to pursue sustainability in this manner.

Remy Romo-Valdez

Research Associate


Aloha, my name is Remy Romo-Valdez, and I am proud to work as a researcher at Hulihia. I recently graduated with a BAS in Sustainable Science Management, with a concentration in Marine Studies, from the University of Hawaii Maui College. For the past five years, I have assisted the Waipono Farms Hydroponics and Aquaponics Greenhouse with operations and produce donations within the Maui Nui community. Having been raised on Maui, I have seen and experienced first-hand the many changes and issues that my family and the Maui Nui community face each day. With Hulihia, I am humbled to work with my community to analyze those changes and issues to further promote sustainability and community well-being in Maui Nui.