Principal Recommendation

Dear Principal,

Thank you for supporting your staff member's application for the MERIT Program at the Krause Center for Innovation, Foothill College.

The recommendation form is an online Google Form. We provide you a PDF copy of the online form so you can review the questions in advance. Please do not submit a PDF copy of the online recommendation form. Please go directly to the Google Form to write your recommendation for each of your teachers: Principal Recommendation

Caution! You are about to set in motion a transformative process for your teacher and your school.

MERIT means Making Education Relevant and Interactive through Technology. It is one goal of the MERIT Program that any teacher from your school who participates in MERIT will be confident and empowered to share their MERIT experience with other members of your school community. This may result in the other teachers getting interested in edtech integration in their classrooms, trying new ways of peer collaboration, showing off their edtechy talk with your IT staff. That's the power of multiplication through inspired MERIT teachers. What I know from experience is that MERIT transforms teachers, their teaching practice, and their perceptions of learning...not for their sake, but the benefit of their students. I know from the stories of many MERIT teachers that they gain confidence to try new edtech ideas with their students, to lead their peers in learning what they have experienced, and to change the edtech culture of their schools and even their districts. Watch these videos to get a better idea of the MERIT teacher's experience:

Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4


Your answers to the questions in the online Principal Recommendation form are a REQUIRED component of every application. The applicant's application will NOT be considered without your completed recommendation form.

Applications are due SUNDAY February 4, 2018 by 11:59pm

Please offer your honest appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant. Your reflections on the applicant help us build teams from the same school site and create the best possible cohort of teachers


If there is more than one applicant from your school, you will need to submit this form for each applicant. While we encourage teams from the same school to apply, there is no guarantee that each team member will receive an acceptance to the program. The decision to accept applicants is part of a larger process to build a balanced cohort of teachers that shows a good mix of grade levels, academic specialities, student population needs, and geographic location. For a better understanding on the selection process, read "Application Status."


  • Be aware there is no guaranteed way to save a partially completed Google form; we advise preparing answers to all questions in a word processing application in advance of filling out the application form. Download the pdf to review the questions.
  • If you have questions about the MERIT program or the application process, please contact Lisa DeLapo.

Also, if this idea of MERIT intrigues you and you're wondering how to get more of your teachers trained in the MERIT model, then you may be interested in bringing a mini-MERIT (5-day) program to your school site. Ask us how.

Lisa DeLapo

Innovator in Residence and MERIT Program Director

Krause Center for Innovation