Mindful Moments

Do you remember Mindful Mornings?

Did you like just chillin' with the quiet music on?

Maybe you watched fish in the aquarium on the Smartboard.

Maybe you felt relaxed watching the animals or nature scenes.

Perhaps creating or colouring was your way to calmly start the day.

What are some ways to be mindful at home?

~photo: M. Whitney

Counting Breaths

Lay down with a small pillow or stuffed animal on your belly, or sit up with a hand resting on your belly. Notice when you breathe in and breathe out. Watch how your belly rises and falls. Count your breathes in and your breathes out. Do this out loud at first, then silently on your own. (from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/breathe-mama-breathe/201605/12-simple-ways-teach-mindfulness-kids )

Take a Nature Walk

Move at your own speed. You can sprint like a cheetah or slug along at a snail's pace. Be curious and use your five sense to explore nature around you. (from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/breathe-mama-breathe/201605/12-simple-ways-teach-mindfulness-kids )


Doodling can make your mind and body feel calm. And, it can make beautiful art too. One kind of doodle is called a "Zentangle". "Zen" means calm and "tangle" is a kind of pattern.

Here are a couple of links with instructions and ideas:



I like to make these patterns, they are relaxing and fun to do. Perhaps you will like making them too:)

M. Whitney ~ June 9, 2020