For Fun and Learning


Scroll down for jokes from Grade 4, games and activities celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day, and more!

Really Ridiculous Summer Riddle: June 26, 2020

I am a frozen treat. I do not have a stick. I do not have a cone.

My name rhymes with a day of the week. What am I?

(Hint: It is delicious on a summer day)

Think you know the answer?

Email me! I'll post the right answer next week (and your initials, with permission to post)

Really Ridiculous Riddle: June 19, 2020 ~ last one before summer:)

Why can't you do a math test in the jungle?

Answer: There are too many cheet-ahs!

Really Ridiculous Riddle: June 1, 2020

What do elves learn in school?

Answer: The elf-abet!

We kept going on this riddle, hoping to get that "right answer" :)

Really Ridiculous Riddle: May 19, 2020

Why does the teacher wear sunglasses when she comes to the class?

Answer: Because the students are so bright!

Congratulations, LK!

Listening to Books

I miss reading aloud from the big black chair in The Hub, especially the fun new books from the Forest of Reading program. If you are missing the Blue Spruce books, there is good news---authors are reading their picture books online!

Go to

Click on a book title and the video pops up.

Plus, for each book, there are fun learning activities like word searches and drawing.


Writers and illustrators across the country are filming readings of their books or drawing lessons for viewers to watch online.

Here's a link:

Card Game Fun!

When we are together at The Hub, learning can look like many things—reading, coding, creating, playing games, listening to stories and sharing ideas. Although we cannot be in The Hub now, we can enjoy some of the same activities—just done differently. You are probably already doing so at your home.

Here is a link to card game ideas I’d like to share with you.

This set of games comes from another school board (teachers like to share). Each game uses a standard deck of playing cards and one game uses dice. There are several to choose from for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.

Collage time!

Making Art About Being at Home

Being at home like we all have been has not happened before.

When new and unusual things happen, writing down what we are doing, thinking or feeling can be helpful. Doing so can make us feel better and is another way to be creative. You could even make a book of stories about what you and your family are doing to look at later when the pandemic is over.

How To~

Young students can draw pictures and make them into a book. Older students might want to use a journal or technology. One fun way would be to make the journal first.

Below is a link to step-by-step instructions on how to make one from materials that are in most homes like cereal boxes, tape or string.

If you think in pictures more than words, why not try making a collage to communicate what being at home has been like?

Here’s the link for both activities. The recommended age group is 7-70, so I hope you go for it!

Games, Games and More Games -- How about you?

At least one student has been enjoying some of the same games we have at The Hub like Uno, Yahtzee, Scrabble Jr., and War on her family game nights.

May 27, 2020

Which makes me wonder ...

Who else has been playing board and card games with their family?

Take the poll !

Do you have a favourite game?

Email and tell me @

Joking Around The Hub -- from Home :)

Here's a few jokes from Mrs. MacKenzie’s Gr. 4 Google Meet ~ June 1st

What is a cat’s favourite colour? Purrple

Why does a leopard never play hide and seek? Its always spotted.

Why are cats not allowed to play poker? There are too many cheetahs.

What is black and white and red all over? A zebra with a sunburn.

What baseball team would win at tug-of-war? The Yankees.

What did the dog say to the chicken? I ruffle your feathers.

Why are cats good at video games? They have nine lives.

How do you count cows? Using a cowculator.

Why did the banana go t the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well.

Why are teddy bears never hungry? Because they’re always stuffed!

Why do fish live in salt water? Pepper makes them sneeze!

Thank you for sharing your "Mini-Mac" humour!

June 2020 - KPR Equity & Diversity Calendar

Artwork: Apsley Public School

Learning and Fun ~ Thinking about the month of June

June is...

  • National Indigenous History Month

  • Pride Month

  • Seniors Month

  • Italian Heritage Month

  • Portuguese History & Heritage Month

If we were together in the library, you would see books on display about some of these topics. I would read from some of them and have activities for you to do.

At The Hub site, I can share some activities to try at home.

Check them out!

Here is a game to make and play, and a craft to do:

Making a Cruncher -

Download, colour, read it, fold it

and test your family:)

To download and print cruncher,

go to:

To read instructions:

Go to

Braiding a Bracelet

Download how, then try it!

Make some for your friends and family:)

Go to:


See the National Indigenous Peoples Day Activity Guide for other games, crafts, puzzles, recipes and more!

Go to

There, you will find lots of fun ways to learn more about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples