Trips & Events

Legoland - 22nd May 24

To celebrate the end of SATs, we plan to take the children to Legoland Windsor!

This trip is due to take place on Wednesday 22nd of May.

We will travel there by coach at 9.15am and arrive back at school for the normal finishing time of 3.30pm.

The Year 6’s have worked incredibly hard this year and are now entering their final half-term as Primary school students. Every year, the Legoland trip is a highlight of our Year 6’s time at Kenmore Park Junior School - and we believe that they deserve to have a wonderful day to celebrate completing their SATs milestone.

I am sure that all parents will appreciate that these events can only go ahead if children are suitably behaved throughout this school term - based on risk assessment. Therefore, children who misbehave during the day will not be invited to take part in the rides/activities and will sit out with a member of staff - or will not be invited to the trip in its entirety and instead spend a day with another year group at school. We have rarely had to do this with previous Year 6’s - and hope that this will not be an issue with the upcoming trip.

I hope you all appreciate that these unique events are a joy for all involved: staff and children. It is a celebration which we want to partake in together.

We would like your children to bring:

Please ensure children do not bring:

The cost for the trip is £25.50. This covers the Legoland tickets, and coach hire.

We would like to take all children to Legoland as it is a trip they will remember forever. If there is an issue with payment, please contact the school Office.

To book the trip in Arbor: Activities -> Trips -> Legoland Windsor Year 6 [FOR HELP CLICK HERE]

Imperial War Museum - 28th March 24

Year 6 Imperial War Museum - Thursday 28th of March


Over the course of this Spring term, the Year 6 children have been learning about World War 2. To complete their learning, we will be taking them to the Imperial War Museum to look at the World War 2 exhibits where our children will be able to recognise and interact with artifacts that they have learnt about. 

There is no cost for this trip, please give consent for your child to attend this Trip in Arbor (please see help sheet below).

Please read through the following trip information:

Location : Imperial War Museum (Lambeth Rd, London SE1 6HZ)

Date: 28th March

Time: Leave School by 9.20, arrive at the museum by 11, finished by 13:00. Back to school by 14:30.

All children will need to bring a packed lunch - children have been asked if they want the school provided packed lunch or would like to bring one from home.

All children to wear full school uniform (including green KPJS jumper)

Travel Route to cinema:

We should now have roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes to explore the WW2 section of the museum before sitting down for lunch and then going to the toilet before leaving the venue.

Travel Route back to school:

Walk back to School – 14:20 

The school’s first aid team will be taking individual children's inhalers, epipens etc that are already stored at school.

Thank you, and we look forward to a wonderful end to the Spring term. 

Help with signing up for a Trip