The Summer Term in Year 6


This term, pupils will be engaging in multi-part investigations where they must use a variety of skills developed during KS2. Mental arithmetic skills will be developed through daily fluency each morning. We encourage parents to practice maths skills at home with their children such as: times tables, telling the time, counting money and working out change when at the shops. In addition, pupils should be using My Maths and Timetable Rockstars as advised by the teachers. 


The children will be reading and working with a variety of texts including The Biography of Martin Luther King Jr, Poetry by Ted Hughes, and 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. Pupils will read aloud, develop comprehension skills, form opinions and discuss their views. Spelling, punctuation and grammar will be taught weekly within each unit of work. In addition to these lessons, the children will have writing sessions where they will develop their writing skills and build up to writing an extended piece of writing relating to the work they have covered in their English or Topic lessons during the week. 



Spellings will be tested weekly in class with children having the opportunity to practice the vocabulary that they struggled with between lessons. 

Reading Record

Year 6 children will have a digital internal reading record that is updated by the classroom teachers. Once the children have finished a book they will answer a 5 question test on the book they have chosen to assess comprehension. If the children are unable to answer all 5 questions then they are given the opportunity to search for the answers in the book and try again. 


The children will learning about Extreme Earth.


The children will be learning about The Maya.


The children will learning about Evolution and Inheritance.


The children will be learning about Eternity, Commitment and Zoroastrianism


The children will be learning about Python and Film Making.


Pupils will be learning Cricket and Athletics

Their lessons will continue to be on Mondays.

Art + D/T

Art - The children will be learning about Manga and Bodies.

D/T - The children will be learning about Cars/Automata Animals (BONUS, SCHEDULE/RESOURCE DEPENDANT)



Intermediate- - Les vetements

Core Les Phonetics 3 E È EAU EUX

Core Les Phonetics 4- QU GNE Ç EN AN


Intermediate- - Les vetements

Core Les Phonetics 3 E È EAU EUX

Core Les Phonetics 4- QU GNE Ç EN AN


The children will be continuing to sing, play and compose music to perform together. They will study: 

- World culture. Traditional music in communities locally and around the world.

London Chamber Orchestra Music Junction Project ends

Leavers Production

Music, song, dance & drama

Filming & backstage production


The children will be learning about Identity Safety & Changing Bodies and Dealing with change