The Summer Term in Year 4


The children will be looking at various areas in Mathematics. This will include developing mental and written methods: 

Multiplication and division 

Measurement Length and perimeter 

Number – fractions (including decimals and percentages )

This is included in our new Scheme of Work. The children are enjoying PowerMaths.

One of our main focus will be the multiplication assessment in June. The children will have the opportunity to practice their tables in school and at home using the online websites that we have signed up to. They are - 


This will include reading, writing, speaking and listening, drama, handwriting, grammar and spelling. 

Written work will include 3 units from the Write Stuff scheme of Work. This covers a  poetry unit and two non-fiction units.

In grammar, we will look at the effective use of pronouns, fronted adverbials, understanding conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions to express time and cause. we will be looking at similes, metaphors and personification. 

We will be reading both nonfiction and fiction books this term and these books will link up with Destination Reader. 



Your child will receive spelling homework every Thursday. These spellings should be learnt over the week ready for a spelling test the following Thursday. Children will also need to write a sentence using each of the words to ensure understanding of the correct spelling words. 

Reading Record

Your child has been given a reading record which they need to complete daily, after at least 15 minutes of reading. Please ensure that you read with your child on as many occasions a week as you can. It is the most effective academic help you can provide. 


During French lessons this term, children will be learning: 

La phonetique 2: 

chez moi


The children will be learning:

Water Cycle

The Egyptians


All children in the year group will be learning musical notation and singing


Food and Fasting and The Bible


Art : Egyptian Art

D/T: Phone cases


Pupils will be learning:


All children in the year group will be learning Photo stories and Scratch quiz


Health and Well being, Economic Wellbeing  and Safety


During Science lessons this term, children will be learning  States of Matter, Animals including Humans.