General 101

How to log in to KooBits ProblemSums?

1) Log in via

  • Go to and click Login button on the top right;

  • You will be redirected to, where you can enter your Login ID and password to log in.

2) Log in at

  • Go to directly, then enter your Login ID and password to log in.

What are the available curriculums for school plans?

The available curriculums under school plans are: Singapore Standard Math, Singapore Foundation Math, Cambridge Math, International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP).

How do we have access to the various curriculums under school plans?

Multiple curriculums are currently only available for regional schools within Singapore, Philippines and Indonesia only. Schools not listed in the above countries will be offered the default Singapore Math curriculum.

For details on which curriculum is available to your school, please contact your local regional KooBits partner or local reseller.

To find out who is your regional partner or local reseller, you can email us at .

Why do you not offer multiple curriculums to the rest of the countries?

As this is a relatively new service that we are offering, we are in the process of gathering more feedback on areas of improvement for future iterations first before we make available this offering to schools located in the other regions.

Additionally, we are also looking to build other curriculums and standards such as Common Core etc.

Does KooBits have problem-solving questions which requires working backwards?

Yes, we do have Heuristics-based practice questions. They can be found in the Higher-Order Thinking Skills module in Mission. Do note that this is only available for users under the premium learning plan subscription.

I am unable to submit nor go to the next question. What should I do?

Quick Fixes

  • Always try to refresh or reload your current page first; or

  • Log out of your account then log in; or

  • Close your browser and reopen it; or

  • Restart your computer.

Upgrade Browser

  • It is highly recommended for Internet Explorer users to upgrade to the latest version of Web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer 11);

  • Try to install and use another modern Web browser (example: Chrome or Firefox, etc.)

For Advanced Users

Expired cookies

If you did not log off completely previously, expired cookies in the computer may result in errors.

To resolve this, you will need to clear the Web browser’s cookies.

You can watch the videos below in accordance to your current web browser:

Are the videos (IVM & Tutorial) available in Bahasa Language as well?

Currently, the videos are only available in English.

However, we are in the process of building the Bahasa Language video tutorials as well.