Help with KooBits App

KooBits App for iOS

If you’re having issues with any KooBits app on your iPhone, iPad or any iOS device, these troubleshooting tips should help.

  1. Is your device’s operating system up to date?

For the best experience using any KooBits iOS app, consider upgrading your iOS device to the latest operating system (OS). If your device is supported by iOS 7 or earlier, your KooBits app may not update to our latest updated version.

  1. Having trouble installing the latest KooBits iOS app?

If you’re having trouble installing the latest KooBits iOS app, check to see how much space is available on your phone.

  1. Having trouble with the KooBits iOS app?

Sometimes turning your device off and then on again can clear up any issues. If you’ve tried that and it didn’t work, below is a list of other troubleshooting techniques:

  • Remove your account from the app and log back in:

Try removing and then re-adding your account to the app.

  • Uninstall and reinstall the app:

If the above troubleshooting steps did not resolve your issue, you can try deleting and reinstalling the app on your device.

KooBits apps for Android

If you are facing issues with any KooBits app on your Android phone, tablet or any Android device, these troubleshooting tips should help too.

If you still have any further enquiries regarding the KooBits app, feel free to contact us anytime.
