Advanced User: Students

Maximize your CPs earned via the following means:

Peer Challenge

  • Select the peers you want to challenge via the ‘Select your opponent’ page.

  • The challenge exercise comprises of 5 questions.

  • Each day, you can receive or send up to 3 challenges. You earn 3CPs from each challenge completed.

  • All pending peer challenges will need to be completed in 3 days.

  • Once the challenge exercise is successfully completed, you will see the ‘pending’ page. This means that your challenge request has been successfully sent.

  • The recipient of the challenge then has to accept the challenge by clicking start.

  • The challenge is regarded as completed only after both parties have completed the peer challenge.

Want to earn even more CPs? Try Sunday Mini Challenges!

  • Only available on Sundays from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

  • Comprise of 10 questions; 2 CPs for each question correctly answered

  • Up to 20 extra CPs to be earned!

Utilizing KoKo Credits

(1) StoryMath

  • KoKo credits can be used to unlock chapters in StoryMath.

(2) Brain Games

  • KoKo Credits can be used to play the huge variety of games available in Brain Games!