Incoming 9th Grade Course Selection

Any questions, please contact our Registar's Office.

Note: If you are NOT coming from Kalama, please contact our Registar's Office.

Fun Facts to Maximize Your Academic Journey @ Kekaulike:

Academic Honors, CTE Honors, STEM Honors.  All 3 require a minimum 3.0 GPA. 

World Language OR Fine Arts OR Career and Technical Education

17 (2D Design, Biology, Calculus AB, Computer Science Principles, Computer Science A, Drawing, English Literature and Composition, English Language & Composition, Environmental Science, Japanese Language and Culture, Physics, Psychology, Spanish Language and Composition, Spanish Literature and Composition, Statistics, US History, World History)

ENG100/SOC100, SP151/HWST107, MTH103/ASTR110

Completion of Algebra 2 and a score of a 2 on the Smarter Balanced Assessment

Marine Science, Chemistry, Human Physiology, Physics

A senior who has taken Chemistry and Human Physiology (Semester grade of “C” or better is required) and received Forensics Instructor approval.

Body Conditioning, Weight Training or Team Sports

4 languages (French, Spanish, Hawaiian and Japanese) AP Spanish and AP Japanese offered.

5 (Band, Jazz Band, Chorus, Guitar, Music Theory)

Career and Technical Education. A program of study is a sequence of CTE Courses and a related academic course.


Completion of TBB1000 Foundations of Business and Marketing or another CTE Program of Study (i.e. Graphics, Digital Media, Automotive, B/C, Natural Resources, Design Tech, Culinary, etc)

CAD and 3D printing

Intro to STEM, Integrated STEM, STEM Capstone, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Computer Science A