Registrar (808) 727-3519
Kim Uyehara <>
Registrar Clerk (808) 727-3518
Casey Kamaunu <>
The Registrar's Office is located across from Main Front Office.
Hours: M - F,
7:30a - 3:30pm
Enrollment (need to complete & submit the following THREE forms)
The Home Language Survey (HLS) is required for all newly enrolled students. The Language List may be used to assist with completing the HLS.
Transcript Request Form (for current students only; fillable if you download)
For any Former Students, Post-Secondary Institutions, or companies in need of graduation verification, use this link:
Each student must earn a minimum number of credits by the beginning of each school year to be promoted.
From grade 09 to 10: 5 credits
From grade 10 to 11: 11 credits
From grade 11 to 12: 17 credits
Students transferring from another Hawaii public school must present a release packet from their previous school along with proof of residency.
Students transferring from an out-of-state or private school:
TB Clearance-documented proof of a negative tuberculin skin test or chest x-ray result must be submitted before admittance.
Birth certificate or other proof of legal name and birthdate.
School records including unofficial transcript.
Form 14 (Health Record indicating that a physical examination has been completed and immunization requirements met) or proof of a physical appointment must be submitted before admittance to school.
Proof of residency (water, electric, cable bill or rental agreement)
Students under 18-years of age must be accompanied by their parent(s) or legally appointed guardian(s) at time of registration.
The Hawaii State Department of Education (HSDOE) & its schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, color, national origin, religion or disability in its programs & activities & provides equal access to designated youth groups, including the Boy Scouts. Please direct inquires regarding HSDOE nondiscrimination policies as follows: Section 504 inquiries: Section 504 Education Specialists; Comprehensive Student Support Services; Hawaii State Department of Education; 475 22nd Avenue Building 302, Room 204; Honolulu, Hawaii 96816; (808) 305-9787 or relay. Title VI, Title IX, ADA and other inquiries Director: Civil Rights Compliance Office; Hawaii State Department of Education; P.O. Box 2360; Honolulu, Hawaii 96804. (808) 586-3322 or relay.
As a matter of commitment to and compliance with Federal and State anti-discrimination laws, and DOE Policy, the Hawaii State Department of Education informs parents/guardians and students that discrimination because of a student’s race, color, national origin (including persons with limited English proficiency), disability, sex, age, and/or religion in any educational program, service, or activity conducted by the department is prohibited.
In addition to the above, the policy strictly prohibits any form of harassment and/or bullying because of gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, physical appearance and characteristic, and sexual orientation.
Students are required to attend the school within the district in which their parents or legal guardians reside, however, attendance at a school in another district may be granted at the discretion of the Department of Education.
The following categories of information are designated as “directory information”: the student’s name, date and place of birth, address, telephone, dates of attendance, class level, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height if member of an athletic team, awards received, graduation date and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended. Parents who wish to withhold “directory information” on their child, must inform the school in writing. Requests to withhold directory information must be renewed annually.
Program changes will be made for the following reasons:
Scheduling error
Summer school attendance
Credit deficiencies
Medical waiver
Employment-Modified Schedule (seniors only)
Fees for non-instructional activities may be collected for the purposes provided by law but not in excess of the authorized maximum for each subject as set forth in the Department of Education’s regulations.
Class Dues (mandatory if participating in events): $10.00 are used to subsidize the cost of class elections, special projects, informal social activities and for other class related activities.
Student Government Dues (mandatory if participating in events): $8.00 are used to subsidize the cost of the student agenda, student I.D. cards, elections, state/national dues and representation, social activities, special projects and other student government related activities.
Student Athletic Card: $25.00 provides for reduced student admission to both home and away regular season athletic events.
Commencement Fee (For participating seniors only): $15.00 subsidizes the cost of the graduation ceremony.
Yearbook: $50.00
Parent authorization (Request for Release form) is required for any student who intends to withdraw from Kekaulike High School. The student will be provided with a clearance form to complete and return to the Registrar’s Office. The student will then be given a release packet that includes the necessary documents for enrollment at another school. Official records will be mailed to the receiving school upon receipt of written authorization.
The academic progress of each student is reported at the end of each quarter through a report card. Mid-term progress reports are also provided for each student. Mid-term progress reports can be found on Infinite Campus. All report cards are mailed home.