SPED/Inclusion FAQ's

  • Are there any reading workshop classes?

    • We currently don’t have any Special Education reading workshop classes. If your child has a 504 Plan, or IEP, teachers will be given their plans when school starts and will be aware of their learning needs and plan for reading strategies and accommodations in the classroom to help them access their education. Otherwise, don’t hesitate to contact your child’s IEP teachers at any time to discuss your child’s needs.

  • My child has a 504 plan - is there anything I need to do for high school?

    • 504 plans & IEP’s will automatically transfer up to KKHS. Teachers will be familiar with your child’s needs at the start of the year. Feel free to contact your child’s teachers to share information about your child’s needs.

  • My child has inclusion classes now but is struggling. How does KKHS help students who have IEP’s?

    • Students are supported with specially designed instruction in their General Education classes through a Special Education teacher. All special education students will be enrolled in a Special Education Study Skills course unless parents opt to choose otherwise. In this class, they will learn how to navigate high school & develop organizational and time management skills needed. They will also get help from a Special Education teacher to work on their assignments from other classes. Parents are encouraged to monitor their child's progress in Infinite Campus and contact their child's teachers and/or IEP teacher for additional support.

  • Who is the 504 counselor?

    • Each grade level counselor is in charge of that grade level's 504 cases.