Behind The Scenes: Chilling With The Crew

Behind The Scenes: Chilling With The Crew

Kiski Area always has an amazing musical and part of that is because of the masterfully created and painted sets, smooth transitions between scenes, and illuminating lighting and sounds. This is all thanks to the crew who works hard behind the scenes.


Bella Uskuraitis, the crew chief and a Senior says, "Just because you can't sing and dance doesn't mean you can't be part of something amazing." Bella has been working hard on the musicals since The Sound of Music and now is the crew chief. Her job is to answer everyone's questions and explain what needs to be done, as the crew can't work without communication.

Clarissa Phillips, Heather Sieczkowski (both Seniors) and Chassidy Kamer, a Junior, explained that being in crew has taught them to use power tools and learn communication and creativity. You have to be tough. If you're not, you get stronger. You also need to be quick, and you learn time management.

Being in crew is fun too, you get to make new friends and work with a whole bunch of different people. The Juniors and Seniors take the Freshmen and Sophomores under their wings and show them the ropes.

Stage Managers

The assistant stage managers for this show were Kelina Smith, Freshman, and Brooklyn Castleberry. The stage managers get to find props, adjust small details in props and wardrobe, and attend all rehearsals. They help the actors with their lines and blocking (moving around the stage). Stage managers also hand out papers, take attendance, and take notes on what Mr. Capanna thinks should work.

This show's stage manager was Sophie Smietana and she put in a lot of hard work for this show.

A portion of the Crew posing for a picture. Bella Uksuraitis, Crew Chief, front with green bow-tie.

Two crew members on stage.

Sets and Props

While talking about the crew, I also have to mention the amazing sets they make and move throughout the musical. I'd like to give a special thank you to Clarissa Phillips, and Kelina Smith for taking me around to see all of the props and sets. The sets were wonderfully crafted and looked professional. The creators were extremely thorough down to the smallest lines on signs.

Shrek's house that doubles as a barn.

A back-view of the tower.

A front-view of the tower.

The prop that steals the show, though, is definitely Dragon. When on stage her eyes light up and her wings flap. It is one of the most impressive scenes in the entire show. The details on her face and scales make her even more imposing.

A closeup of Dragon.