Physical Activity

Jerusalema Dance Challenge

2020 / 2021


National Fitness Day


Cycle to School - Be safe, be seen!

October - Halloween Disco

November - Active Break Everyday Challenge

December - Santa Dash

Well done to all the classes that participated in the Santa Dash. It was great to get outdoors and go for a walk before the Chrsitmas holidays. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


March - St. Patrick's Parade and Dance


March - Easter Egg Hunt

April - PE equipment

This month we organised, counted and labelled all the PE equipment. The 6th class did a great job sorting the equipment and giving everything a designated area. We can't wait to try new games with all the sports equipment we have in St. Joseph's N.S.

Playground Markings

We were delighted to receive playground marings from Clare Sports Partnership. The school yard is so bright and colourful with lots of different games. We are having great fun at lunch time playing with our friends.

May - Jerusalema Dance

Fun & Fitness and Boxercise Classes

2019 / 2020


National Fitness Day - September 26th 2019

Everyone in St. Jospeh's N.S. made a big effort to get active on National Fitness Day. Rob did tennis with the classes; they played games, learned how to volley, bat and strike. They loved the games and had lots fun.

5th and 6th class played hurling, camogie and gaeilc football tournaments against one another. They showcased their skills and talents to other teachers who were on an Erasmus trip in our school that week. They were very impressed with the talent and level of fitness of the children.

October - Stations on Yard

November - Active Break Every Day

Everyone participated in the Active Break Challenge Every Day. Classes completed running breaks, dance, workouts and yoga. It was a great way to burn off energy and refocus on our work.


December - Christmas Dance

3rd Class practiced and performed the 'Santa Dance' for the Juniors and Seniors . They invited the classes to the hall and performed for them. They then gave the Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to get involved and do the dance also. The children loved learning the dance moves. It was a great team effort and thanks to 3rd class and Mrs. Murphy and Ms. Burns for all their hard work.

January - Let's Get Walking

Operation Transformation 10@10

We kicked started the new year with 'Let's Get Walking'. The local GAA club recently developed a walking track around the pitch. The whole school gathered with their High Viz jackets and we went for a walk to the pitch and around the walking track. It was lovely to us the local facilities and a great way to encourage the children to get active with their friends and families.


February - Operation Transformation - 10@10

For the next 6 weeks we are going to complete 10@10 in the school hall and in our classrooms. Once a week classes will be invited to the P.E. hall to partake in 10@10 with their fellow classmates. It will be a fun, active and enjoyable activity for the children.


March - Run Around Europe / Ready Teddy Run

Kinvara NS Walkway

Ready Teddy Run



Run around Europe

The students in St. Joseph's N.S. took part in the 'Run around Europe Challenge' for the month of November. Classes from 1st to 6th class were given a country to run too. All classes really enjoyed the challenge and received certificates on completion. Well Done!!!

Ready Teddy Run!!

The Junior and Senior Infants had great fun taking part in 'Ready Teddy Run'. Every child brought in a teddy and took it for a run everyday. Super running by all the Infants and Teddy Bears!!

November: Playground Leaders in training

6th class students were trained up to become Playground Leaders. 3rd class had great fun participating in a range of activities under the guidance of the Playground Leaders. Everyone is excited to get involved and active playing the Playground Games.

Playground Leaders

St. Joseph's N.S. are participating in Playground Games for the month of December. The Playground Leaders are doing a great job organising and setting up the playground games for the younger classes. Children are getting active playing release tag, foxes and hens, basketball, skipping, saucers and domes, target games and relays.

Collaborative Active Breaks

3rd & 6th class had great fun skipping together. The 6th class taught the 3rd class new skipping rhymes and exercises. Active breaks = Active brains. The 3rd class really enjoyed exercising and skipping with the older classes.

skipping video.MOV


Christmas Dance/ Disco

The children in 3rd Class did a fantastic job performing the Christmas Dance for the other classes. Junior Infants upto 6th Class got involved and danced along to Christmas dances and songs. Well done to everyone, the whole school was active and displayed some excellent dance moves!! Happy Christmas and keep on dancing.


Getting the whole school active - Christmas Dance

January - Climb the Heights Skipping Challenge

Children were set a skipping challenge for the month of January. Each class were given a list of mountains to climb. All classes made a fantastic effort and their fitness and skipping improved.

Operation Transformation 10@10

The children have set goals of being more active and healthy for the year ahead. Classes are completing yoga, 10@10 and exercise breaks throughout the school day.

February - Super Troopers Active Homework

The children took part in stations which included exercises from the Super Troopers Booklet. All the classes are enjoying the active homework.

March - Playground Equipment

For the month of March we will be introducing playground equipment on yard. 4th class have kindly agreed to wheel to box of equipment out on yard before lunch. The children have been given bowls, large skipping ropes, small and large balls, basketballs and hoola hoops to play with. We hope this will encourage to children to be more active and have an enjoyable lunchtime!!

April - Lets's Get Moving

Healthy Eating Week was held in St.Joseph's N.S. this month. To link in with healthy eating we set up the initiative Let's Get Moving. We were kindly donated pedometers and used them to track our step count. Each class were given the pedometers for one week and tracked their steps everyday. All the classes made a fantastic effort to be more active throughout the week. It tied in very well with Healthy Eating Week. Children learnt about the importance of a healthy diet, exercise and moving the body more often.

Steps to Health Challenge

The children weren't the only ones getting those steps in!! The staff of St. Joseph's N.S registered for the Steps to Health Challenge. All staff members got a pedometer and booklet. Each person had to track their steps for 5 weeks and a goal to reach 10,000 steps a day. The ASC and HPSC presented certificates and trophies to keep everyone motivated and moving. It was a fun and enjoyable activity. Well Dpne Everyone!!

May - Game of the week, Playground Leaders & Playground Equipment

June - Active Schools Week & Sports Day