Official Selection

Clermont-Ferrand ISFF

International Competition

A bird Called Memory

Leonardo Martinelli

Brazil, UK, England • 15' • 2023

A bird called Memory has forgotten how to come back home. Lua, a trans woman, tries to find Memory in the streets, but the city can be a hostile place.

Lab(o) Competition

As Far as the World Reaches

Daniel Frota de Abreu

Brazil, Netherlands, Belgium 27' • 2023

A team of ethnobotanists faces the challenges of storing one of the largest natural history collections in the world while a birdwatcher ends up recording a long forgotten sound. This recording triggers an exploration about everlasting effects of colonialism in the way nature is perceived today.

Enfants Showcase

Lulina and the Moon

Alois Di Leo e Marcus Vinicius Vasconcelos

Brazil 14' • 2023

Lulina draws her greatest fears on the infinite white ground of the Moon. Magically, her illustrations come to life and teach her that her problems are not as monstrous as what her imagination depicted.