Focus Group (Health in Mind)

日期 Date: 8/9/2023

時間 Time: 11:00 - 12:00

對象 Target: 3 - 5 student representatives


「夢‧同行 "Following the dream"」 (Form Period)

日期 Date: 18/9/2023

時間 Time: 2:50-3:30 pm

地點 Venue: S4 Homerooms

Online Questionnaire (Health in Mind)

Date: 20/9/2023

Target: All students

「情緒健康領袖 "Emotional Health Leadership"」培訓工作坊基礎篇 Training Workshop (Introduction) (Form Period)

日期 Date:  20/10/2023

時間 Time: 2:50-3:30 pm

地點 Venue: S4 Homerooms

電繪小組 Digital Painting Group (by School Social Workers)

目的 Objective:

讓同學藉藝術創作強化表達自我, 提升同學的創意思維

Empower students to express themselves through artistic creation and enhance their creative thinking skills

內容 Content: 


The tutor will teach students digital painting techniques and encourage them to utilize technology for creative expression. Through digital painting creation, students will have the opportunity to express their ideas

對象 Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: 11月 November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th (星期二 Tuesdays)


表達藝術鬆一鬆小組 "Artistic Relaxation" Group (by School Social Workers)

目的 Objective: 

1. 讓同學藉藝術創作表達自我

     Allow students to express themselves through artistic creations

2. 促進同學的情緒表達 

Facilitate emotional expression among students.

內容 Content: 


The group will be led by social workers and a team from the University of Hong Kong, offering various forms of artistic creation, including visual arts, music, dance, and drama. Students will have the freedom to express and share their ideas and emotions, fostering personal growth

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: 11月 November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, and 12月 December 5th, 12th, 19th (星期二 Tuesdays)

時間 Time: 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM.

桌遊社交小組 (上學期) Board Game Social Group (1st term) (by School Social Workers)


1. 提升同學的社交及表達技巧

    Enhance students' social and communication skills

2. 擴闊同學的社交圈子 

    Expand students' social circles


內容 Content: 


Led by social workers, students will experience various types of board games, aiming to enhance students' friendliness and social interaction skills. They will have the opportunity to learn how to establish and maintain friendships through the medium of board games

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: 11月 November 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th  (星期四 Thursdays) 

時間 Time: 3:45 PM to 5:00 PM.

  「情緒健康領袖 "Emotional Health Leadership"」培訓工作坊進階篇 Training Workshop (Advanced) (Form Period)

日期 Date:  10/11/2023

時間 Time: 2:50-3:30

地點 Venue: S4 Homerooms

Talk (Health in Mind)

Date: 9/11/2023 

Time: 14:10 - 15:30

Target: S.4 - S.6 students

Venue: Hall

Theme: Academic Stress

Social Worker Induction Programme (by School Social Workers)

日期 Date: 14/11 (4A); 15/11 (4B); 20/11 (4C); 13/11 (4D)

時間 Time: 課堂時間 In-class

地點 Venue: 各班課室 Homerooms

性格透視工作坊 Personality Insight Workshop (by School Social Workers)



   Promote self-awareness among students


   Foster understanding among students

內容 Content: 


Led by social workers and facilitators, the workshop includes activities and discussions to help students understand different personality traits. Students will identify their own personality colors, discover their strengths and potential challenges, and promote personal growth and team communication

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: 12月 December 4th, 14th 

時間 Time: 待定 to be confirmed (兩小時一節 two hours per session)

和諧粉彩小組 Harmonious Pastel Group (by School Social Workers)


1. 讓同學藉藝術創作表達自我

Allow students to express themselves through artistic creations

2. 促進同學的情緒表達能力

Enhance students' emotional expression

內容 Content: 


Led by social workers, students will participate in pastel painting activities, using colors and forms to freely express their emotions and feelings. Through this creative process, students can release stress, improve emotional regulation, and cultivate creativity and imagination

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: 12月 December 7th

時間 Time: 3:45 PM to 5:00 PM

融合教育:認識視障 Inclusive Education: Understanding Visual Impairment (Form Period)

日期 Date: 19/2/2024

時間 Time: 10:45-11:25

地點 Venue: S4 Homerooms

正向運動系列 Sports Series: 拳擊小組 Boxing Group (by School Social Workers)



Cultivate positive thinking among students


Promote students' physical and mental well-being

內容 Content: 


Led by a coach, students will learn boxing techniques to help them release stress and cultivate positive thinking. The group aims to enhance students' performance under high-pressure situations through the practice of boxing

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: February to May 2024

時間 Time: 待定 to be confirmed (兩小時一節 two hours per session)

正向運動系列 Sports Series: 健身小組 Fitness Group (by School Social Workers)



Boost students' self-confidence


Promote students' physical and mental well-being

內容 Content: 


Led by a coach, students will learn proper fitness techniques to help them release stress and improve their self-image through fitness experiences

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: February to May 2024

時間 Time: 待定 to be confirmed (兩小時一節 two hours per session)

朋輩情緒支援小組 Peer Emotion Support Group (by School Social Workers)



Enhance students' emotional awareness and mental health literacy


Promote mutual support and understanding among students

內容 Content: 


Led by social workers, the group will address common emotional challenges, encourage students to share their daily struggles, and explore appropriate coping strategies

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: February to May 2024

時間 Time: 待定 to be confirmed (兩小時一節 two hours per session)

戀愛探索小組  Love Exploration Group (by School Social Workers)



內容 Content: 


Led by social workers, the group will provide information on romantic relationships, teaching students social etiquette and appropriate boundaries, aiming to improve their interpersonal skills

對象Target: S1-S5

日期 Dates: February to May 2024

時間 Time: 待定 to be confirmed (兩小時一節 two hours per session)

Fig Boy Scheme:「開放日 Open Day」


日期 Date: 15-16/3/2024

時間 Time: 待定 To be confirmed

對象 Target: 全校 Whole School

活動 Activity: 開放日攤位遊戲 Open Day Booth Games

內容 Content: 認識無花仔、攤位遊戲、展板介紹 Get to know the Fig Boy, booth games, display board 

目標 Objective:

1. 透過問答及攤位遊戲,增進同學對無花仔的認識

    Enhance students' familiarity with the Fig Boy

2. 透過一連串的小挑戰,提升同學應變及解難能力,並建立團隊協作精神

    Enhance students' adaptability and problem-solving skills, while fostering a spirit of teamwork and 
