
Qualification information

We follow the Edexcel 9-1 Maths GCSE which is an exam only qualification. Students in Y1 & Y2 are aiming to complete an additional GCSE in Statistics along side completing the higher Maths GCSE; all other sets will be working towards the foundation tier GCSE in Maths

There are 3 exams which are 1.5 hours each and are expected to take place during May and June 2023 as follows:

Paper 1 Non-calculator

Paper 2 Calculator

Paper 3 Calculator

Students complete units of work throughout Years 9 and 10. In year 11 students are delivered a mixture of new content and exam preparation skills. If you wish to know more details on what your child is currently studying or has completed studying please contact their class teacher.

Homework Expectations

Frequency: Once/Twice weekly

Format: Exam papers, current topic based worksheets or doddle/Dr Frost revision tasks. All homework is recorded on Show My Homework.

Incompletion: Students will be expected to complete a detention to ensure that this work is completed.

Revision resources

All students require a scientific calculator and a geometry set which can be purchased through parent pay. The recommended calculators are £10 and geometry sets are £1.50. We also sell revision guides and workbooks at both foundation and higher tier which are £3 each.

The King Ethelbert Website has a mathematics page which contains many revision resources for students. This can be found on the intranet section in student subject areas. Other useful revision websites include:

Dr Frost




Seneca Learning

Strategies to help at home

Revise key formulae for the exam as students are not given these. A copy of all formulae required is on the students’ book covers.

Ensure that they have a work space to complete timed exam style questions.

Print off checklists and practice papers from the intranet page.

Check Show my homework and Dr Frost for homework deadlines.