Antecedent Strategies

Antecedent Strategies are interventions staff will do prior to behavior. These strategies are a redesign of the environment and serve the purpose of decreasing motivation to demonstrate problem behavior in order to access tangibles or activities.

  • Non-contingent access: proactively provide student access to the tangible or activity on a routine basis

    • Access to competing reinforcers when the preferred reinforcer isn't available (if iPad is the tangible, access to other reinforcers when iPad isn't available)

  • Enhanced predictability measures: clarify expectations for when student can access tangibles or activities

    • First, then

    • Visual Schedules

    • Token or "working for" strip

      • *When considering enhanced predictability measures, the response effort, wait time, or required work activities required must meet the student where they are at - must be easily attainable and commensurate with the student's current abilities

  • Embed student interests into instructional activities whenever possible