Tiers of SUPPORT

#StudentFirstToolsLast #PurposefulAT

TEchnical Assistance

  • Focus is to provide technical assistance or training to providers around AT tools and/or services already in place or being trialed with the student

  • Frequency = as needed, available on its own or within all tiers of support

  • AT Team Member connects with staff via phone, email, virtual or in-person meeting

  • May result in coordinating with a vendor/company or a suggestion for the primary provider to borrow a temporary solution from the AT Trial Lending Library to meet the student's current AT needs


  • Informal process which focuses on accommodations/modifications & implementation strategies to support individual student needs

  • Frequency = often 1- 2 conversations/meetings

  • AT Team member may connect with staff via phone, email, virtual or in-person meeting

  • Results in recommended tools/strategies/next steps

    • New or different AT tools/strategy requiring little to no training may be recommended for trial to determine the effectiveness in meeting the student's current needs

  • If additional support is needed, the case may move to Tier 2 or Tier 3

  • For additional information on AT decision-making click here

Informal Consultation

  • Informal process which focuses on accommodations/modifications & implementation strategies to support current AT that is being utilized or underutilized

  • Frequency = often 2 - 4 conversations/meetings

  • AT Team member connects with the team via virtual or in-person meeting

  • An AT decision-making document may be utilized (e.g. SETT Framework)

  • Results in summary with recommended tools/strategies/next steps for implementation

  • If additional support is needed, the case may move to Tier 3

  • For additional information on AT decision-making click here

Formal Consultation

  • Formal process using the SETT Framework, focused existing data from Tier 2 and development of meaningful implementation plan

  • Frequency = 3 - 6 conversations/meetings

  • Observation of the student occurs, at least 1-2 times

  • New or alternate equipment requiring some training for staff and/or student may be recommended for trial with the student in order to determine the effectiveness of the tool/strategy

  • Results in formal AT Plan with recommended tools/strategies/next steps for implementation

    • Team reconvenes to review data to determine the effectiveness of the AT in meeting student’s current needs

  • For additional information on AT decision-making click here

AT EVALUATIONS can be requested by the Special Education Director in unique circumstances. A REED would be required for the purpose of evaluating AT tools and/or strategies to meet individualized student needs and for recommendation to the IEP team. The SETT Process will be utilized to develop an AT Plan and to ensure fidelity of implementation.

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