How to Get Organized

Get a Planner

Our school planners have a monthly calendar, weekly calendar and a daily to-do list for each week.  Keep your tasks and assignments updated daily for maximum impact!

Manage Your Time

Start the tasks you want to do the least or the homework assignments that are more challenging.  That way you’ll be able to tackle them with the most energy and brainpower! 

Check out our time management page for some apps that can help.

Create Your Own Homework Spot

Working on your schoolwork in the same spot every day helps you stay organized and focused.  Make sure to pick a spot with good lighting and away from distractions. Having all of your supplies nearby will be helpful too! 

Color Coordinate

Start the tasks you want to do the least or the homework assignments that are more challenging.  That way you’ll be able to tackle them with the most energy and brainpower! 

Check out our time management page for some apps that can help.

Clean Your Space at the End of the Day

When you’re done with your schoolwork for the day, clean up your space. That way you’ll be ready to go for the next day.