
The health variant of people and places is designed to get players thinking about the different healthcare roles in the UK, what individual professions do and how they interact with each other.

In this game players work through a series of patient cases each of which cues up different areas and professions in the healthcare service.

Choose what would be done and who would do it at each stage, giving players the opportunity to discuss their choices and draw on individual and group knowledge to decide the best path.

Each patient case has three parts to work through decided what you will do at each stage in the care pathway

Select decision cards to help your patient at each stage

Choose the health professional(s) involved in each decision you've made

Review your decisions against the model answer and try and answer the case review questions

People and Places Health is beneficial to more than just healthcare students

The game is has been used successfully in a variety of contexts:

  • Over 600 health faculty students in an interprofessional event to enhance awareness of interprofessional working and challenge ideas. Teams were a mix of Medical students, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiographers and biomedical scientists.
  • Non healthcare professionals who are institute leaders and teachers from across Europe, introducing them to how games can be used to increase knowledge of how a system works.
  • Prospective healthcare students interested in exploring different healthcare professional roles