Bioscience - Anatomy

The Braincept anatomy games are an interactive and competitive way to test your anatomy knowledge as well as relating basic form and function to clinical relevance.

Designed to support learning in a wide range of students the games currently cover the major joints and organs.

Either work as a team or against your fellow players to find the muscle, nerves and anatomical features combine this knowledge with your understanding of function and test whether you can puzzle through what would happen if something went wrong.

Nerve, Muscle and Movement

In this version of the game you have outlines of some of the major joints in the body and need to identify the muscles and nerves associated with these. Don't forget to link these to function to complete the set. When completed answer the bonus questions on clinical complications to complete your joint.


For organs the focus is on identifying the anatomical feature and blood supply to the organ. How does it fit in relation to the rest of the body and don't forget your bonus questions on function to complete you panel and win the game.